Quote Originally Posted by elros View Post
Durkon cannot show false memories, but the vampire (Greg?) is influenced by them.
The first memories Greg absorbed were the "lowest, darkest moments of the host's life", where it was clear that Durkon had unresolved resentment toward those that exiled him. But now Greg is learning the moments where Durkon is happy with his family and has real affection for them.
Greg even acknowledged that a different vampire could have rejected Hel's plans from the start (same comic as the above link, last line), so I think it is possible that Greg could rebel against Durkon, too.
I think that the big reveal will not be a monster or an ambush, but Durkon's family. If Greg ever tries to attack Durkon's Mom, it may be enough for the real Durkon to regain control.
I'd be very surprised if that happened, given that Malack had no qualms about drinking his brothers. I could see Durkon's mom playing a role though, such as distracting him during a pivotal moment as he's battling Roy.