Quote Originally Posted by Theodoxus View Post

@Pex, regarding missing all attacks the 1st round, and dealing 24 the second, for an average of 12; 1) 12 might be enough to KO a critter outright, so that's leaving 12+ damage as overkill and is wasteful. 2) Knocking out a critter in round 1, instead of a string of wiffs might save the party from crowd control, aoe attacks, or similar. Afterall, the best healing is not getting damaged in the first place. As a discussion of DPR, you're correct. As a discussion as to whether a specific course of action, attack, or in this case, feat choice is optimal - you're wrong misrepresenting the argument.
Which doesn't contradict what I wrote. That's about the play experience, not statistical analysis, which is my point. The play of the game is more important than statistical analysis. It shows an example of how using the feats can be a disadvantage, but I'm not arguing the feats are overpowered. I'm saying that even though the feats provide extra damage over the long run they do not monopolize the game. The OP may have trouble with them, but it's not universally true. When the feats do work it should not bother the DM the monster was defeated one round sooner than otherwise to get all antsy about it. It's not their character.