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    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Nov 2013
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    Default Re: Xanthar's Guide - Circle of Dreams Druid effectively confirmed

    Quote Originally Posted by Millstone85 View Post
    More like a wild magic surge.

    See, the Feywild, with that name and the symmetry with the Shadowfell, was introduced in 4e, and 4e had a telling piece of lore regarding eladrin and elves. This is where I got the impression that regarding the Feywild as the triumph of nature magic would be a mistake. Wood elves, which 4e just called elves, embraced nature by severing their ties with the Feywild.

    Then again, Heroes of the Feywild gave us this description of the place... which I guess would just make it a place of great magic in general.

    Edit:Eh, you are right. Druids wouldn't despise the Feywild, just like they wouldn't despise the part of the Plane of Fire that ressembles the Material. It is all part of the balance.

    Still, druids would probably consider the Material to be where the balance is realized, and superior for it.
    Druids from the Prime certainally would... Planar Druids are often more of an 'a place for everything and everything in its place' types... the Abyss is natural for the Abyss, Negative Energy is natural for Negative Energy... just don't go mixing things up too much (though some mixing is natural) or twisting things beyond their own nature and you should be good. Oh, and the Far Realm's 'place' is no where near anything but itself
    Last edited by Naanomi; 2017-08-07 at 10:43 AM.