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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Land of Stone and Stars

    Default Re: GrrlPower III: Crisis Of Infinite Filler Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
    Well.. yeah alright i guess even Max would be a little slowed down if she had to do something underwater. I Just cant really imagine anyone else send against her who would not get hampered equally or more.

    Anyway, i disagree with the notion of Halo being a heavy hitter. And as such i actually think Maxima is more vulnerable in this company. When she is alone she can always reply with her nuklear blast if sufficiently pissed off, but that option vanishes when there are teammates around she have to protect as well.
    The trap could simply be an extremely reinforced room. Without Halo's newfound ability, even Maxima would risk drowning before she could break out. You don't have to fight power with power, you just have to negate the power that's already there.

    Halo being a heavy hitter is kind of the whole point of the series. Girl has a suite of powers, all of which are very powerful. She can fly at absurd speeds, generate shields that can tank shots from Maxima and resist a hyper-charged violence mage's auras, nuke tanks with dramatic effect on par with Dabbler's rail gun, create lighthooks strong enough to throw Anvil like an over-powered lawn dart, and true sight that even a succubus can't overcome. The girl is unquestionably a heavy hitter. She's also untrained, very distractable, hyper-active, so she's a long, long, long way from being an ideal hero at this point. Despite her flaws, however, she wields power in magnitude and variety that dwarfs most actual supers.
    Last edited by Calemyr; 2017-08-10 at 02:16 PM.
    Spoiler: My inventory:

    1 Sentient Sword
    1 Jammy Dodger (I was promised tea)
    1 Godwin Point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kairos Theodosian
    It appears someone will have to saddle my goat, for we now must ride out in glorious battle.