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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: My Little Pony XCVII: Cheerilee's Lonely Hearts Club

    Hey, a new episode at last. No Australian shenanigans this time. Let me check it out.

    Spoiler: Season 7 episode 14 - Fame and misfortune

    Ooooo-kay. That was not what I expected.
    Let's be honest here, I'm a pretty optimistic pony-fan. I can find something nice to say about pretty much any episode. Even ones like "Mare-do-Well" or those with the annoying teenage dragons. But I have really mixed feelings about this one. I'm not happy being made fun of, and I'm pretty sure many fans feel the same way.
    This episode is "Slice of Life" done wrong, in my opinion. I say it's edging close to that "This one has morals" episode of Teen Titans Go!
    And that's just out-of-show. In-show, the characters' personalities are being flattened again (except Fluttershy, who shows her assertiveness in a very awesome scenes), Twilight (the smart one) has the worst idea since "Lesson Zero", the background ponies are unbearable, and how could any pony possibly dislike Rarity for her actions is beyond me.

    Towards the end of the episode I was really hoping this would be the one time Starlight would be justified in mind-wiping all of Ponyville.

    Song was very good, though. well-shot and catchy. (But even this couldn't heal anything. Again, both in- and out-of- show)
    I don't think this one is going on my rewatch list.
    But feel free to explain to me anything I've missed. I want to keep liking this show, but this episode makes it hard.

    Um, yeah. Let's see what the next episode has in store.
    Last edited by SKarious; 2017-08-13 at 07:43 AM.
    Now I'm thinking with ponies!

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