Well, everyone is understandably hesitant. But when Sinxia wriggles up there (not everyone is standing on the floor, some are on the stairs), The Scribe holds her off. "No, we can't go willy-nilly.

"Listen up, everybody. Assume we are going into hostile territory. Only one person can really get in there and kiss the feet at a time. This means that wherever this leads, only one person can show up at a time, and that person will be vulnerable. Rezah, you have various holy protections and heavy armor, will you go through first?"

Rezah nods. "I shall cast magic circle against evil on myself to further protect myself and the rest of us that come through."

"Good," the Scribe continues. "As soon as you get there, don't 'take stock' if you can help it. If at all possible, move forward enough to allow the next person to come through.

"Same for everyone else to go ... make sure you immediately step away to give room for the next. Here's the order: Rezah, Lilim, myself, Fallon (take flight immediately), Teofilo (same thing, take flight), Sinxia, and finally .... Erima."

Rezah casts his spell and he bends down, praying to Sarenrae to forgive him this small trespass. No sooner does he do so than he disappears.

Lilim, you go next? If so, Sinxia said she'd go. Erima, do you balk or go? Do any of you do anything before heading out? Lilim has no time (she goes NOW). Sinxia has four rounds to prepare, and Erima five.