Spoiler: Triple Threat
To be honest, I feel like I should have liked this episode a lot more than I did, particularly because it had a lot of very interesting things going on. To start with the good;
- I loved the way they had Spike freaking out in the same way that Twilight would. The special nature of the relationship between Twilight and Spike is probably one of the most underutilized ideas in the show, and the idea that Spike is close enough to Twilight to have picked up some of her habits really works well with that.
- Similarly, the idea that Spike is Equestria's official friendship ambassador to the dragons really helps cement the notion of how much Spike achieved last season, which honestly had some of the best Spike moments in the entire series.
- Finally, I think the idea that the map could potentially call on Spike to solve a friendship problem is particularly intriguing and I think that there's a great deal of story potential there.

Unfortunately, this last point is also something of a weakness for the episode, since having the map alert Spike to a friendship problem didn't facilitate solving that problem (i.e. the Ember/Thorax conundrum), but it actively impeded it since Spike was then further dividing his attention away from his friends looking for an additional problem.
This also ties back into my main issue with the episode, which is yet again we have a Spike episode where Spike is entirely the architect of the main problem. As entertaining as watching Spike try to resolve a problem that could have been solved with a basic amount of communication, it does get tiring for almost every Spike episode to be entirely a case of "Spike screws up and has to dig himself out". I think a large part of this problem could have be alleviated if the writers had at least included a line or two that would have let the audience believe that letting Ember and Thorax meet really would have led to disaster.

That being said, though, it wasn't a bad episode, I think the conflict just needed a little more polish. I'll give it a B-.