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Thread: Babylon 5 Group Re-Watch!

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    Default Re: Babylon 5 Group Re-Watch!

    Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post

    Rewatching this, there are a couple of things that don't make sense in retrospect. Firstly, we know that Earthforce are covertly working with the Shadows, so why are they hiding this Shadow ship? Secondly, why are there two buried Shadow vessels in Sol system in the first place? The previous Shadow war took place while we were only just coming out of the Dark Ages, you have to wonder why they had so much interest in us that they sent ships here, especially when they sent so many they could apparently lose two without noticing!
    They are hiding the ship from the Shadows as they don't want to give it back. They want to take it apart and study it and make living death ships for Earth(and they do.....)

    A Solar System is more then big enough for two ships. It can make sense for lots of reasons, like you have them hide in pairs. And the Sol system was a good ''out of the way place'' 1,000 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by tomandtish View Post
    You absolutely can.. IF you are willing to pay for it. Its not that it CAN'T be done. But it can't be done cheaply. Earth Force doesn't want to pay that much.

    My Paternal Grandmother remarried before I was born, so my Dad and I had a step-father/step-grandfather on that side of the family, along with all the other relatives that come along. And they were/are a navy family,withe every male who could going career. And the always did say that after a week or so fresh food became an issue (es. for those on subs).
    B5 is not a ''Sub''. It's a Space Station full...full...of traders, merchants and travelers. And Earth is only a Two Day jump, so that is ''not too far''. And, we'd assume ''other places that have human colonies'' might be even closer then ''two days''. So, Trader Bob goes to Wal Mart in Earthspace and buys a dozen eggs(using 2017 money here) for 99 cents (my Wal Mart has then a 38 cents) as he is All Ready heading to B5 on a ''normal trade duty'' for Intergalactic UPS or is just a cool, independent Space Trucker. So sure, after his ''long and hard two day trip'' he wants to mark up the eggs to make some money. So big deal, he sells a dozen eggs for $5.99. Well if your ''trapped'' on B5, and you want eggs, you pay the ''5 credits'' or whatever and buy them. It's like when it's Sunday Night and everything is closed, but you want mustard on your hot go to the only place that is open: The Quick-E-Mart and pay $5 for a bottle of mustard. Or like the people that live in Alaska or Hawaii and how they pay more for stuff...but it is not like they can never get fresh food in those places.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daimbert View Post
    I assume that the major worlds got together and formed some kind of interstellar standard, like we have for many things today.
    Wonder what they based it all on?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daimbert View Post
    Why? We're used to that sort of thing from Star Trek, but identifying yourself as an EA ship is far more meaningful than saying who the captain is most of the time.
    Well, even B5 does the ''This is Captain John Smith of the EAS Zeus'' most of the time.....

    Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
    In fact, in real life the commander of a ship will often describe himself as "<name of ship> actual" when communicating with other ships, for the reason you say here; it's far more useful to know what ship is communicating with you than what person.
    This is way too Real Life for a TV show. But they sure did this a lot on Battlestar Glatactia.
    Last edited by Darth Ultron; 2017-08-29 at 08:39 AM.