Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
Question: I'm running a genderfluid character in a PbP here on the forum. They're biologically female but have lost most attachment to their gender, and switch freely between male, female, or androgynous.

I figured I'd be playing them much as I would a normal person, obviously, but also (since they're a sneaky, deceptive type) switching genders as need be to play into stereotypes. Acting masculine when they need to intimidate someone, playing the girl card when they need to seem demure and suibtle, etc. etc.

I guess my main question is thus: Are there any big pitfalls I'd need to avoid to not be offensive with this character? Anything obvious that I might miss, not being genderfluid myself, that would be a jerk move?
You could have asked the genderfluid person you are literally dating directly.

If the character is playing into stereotypes for their advantage, but not at the expense of the actual gender they are at the moment, then fine. So long as the character is obviously aware they're doing it.

Also, "Biologically female" is not the wording you're looking for. Especially since brains are just as biological as gribbly bits. "Normal person" isn't the wording you're looking for to describe cis people, either...

But honestly, I think you're trying to be too clever with the genderfluidity. Don't try to overplay the fact that they're genderfluid; just let it be a thing.