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Thread: Riverside 19

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 19

    Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
    [Ilpholin's Residence]

    Ilpholin takes the dummy head while shaking her own. There may be just a hint of a smile on her face, but it isn't too apparent. "Don't worry about it. I'll just get him sewed up later I guess." She'll toss the head aside where it rolls unwanted into the corner. "Though if that's how much damage you do just be stretching, I'm almost afraid to see you in action." It is a concerning thought. Ilpholin turns and heads over to a different, more sturdy dummy.

    "Right, so unarmed combat isn't my speciality, but a lot of the movements translate well. I'll show you how I do it, then we'll go over it step by step until you can too."

    Thus Ilpholin begins dancing around the dummy. It is very fluid, with several spins and sways, such that it is easy to get caught up in just watching her move. The process is both erotic and artistic. Until suddenly her fist is flying to beat against the dummy's chest and one is left wondering how they could get so easily distracted. Smoothly the nymph transfers from dance step to kicking the leg beneath the knee, then flowing away again like water. It is beautiful, though probably decidedly less so from any poor person suffering from the blows showered upon them.

    As a whole, the style draws a lot of inspiration from Capoeira, though Ilpholin has heavily modified it to take advantage of her form. Even when she fights she flirts.
    [Ilpholin's Residence]

    Adir flexes an arm and grabs his bicep, grinning boisterously. "You ain't seen nothin' yet. I'll show you how much I can lift later."

    But for now, fighting! He crosses his arms and watches a while. Though Adir isn't a teenager or anything, he does have to put a little bit of effort in not to stare. He laughs a little at any particularly saucy bits, and claps his hands thrice toward the end. "Boy, Ilpholin, I don't think I've got the hips for this," he tells her as he steps forward. He won't dumb it down any as they go over it, though - he keeps in every flourish and twist and sway, no matter how feminine. They might be critical to the form!

    He can't compare to the nymph, but Adir certainly isn't graceless, even in this new shape. It's a good idea not to stand too close to him as he steps around the map, flowing left to right, and his long legs swing in such huge kicking arcs. Antlers or not, he looks like a predator. His muscles strain and tense against his skin, their shape most apparent when he's in motion or doing violence.

    [Eastside Streets]

    "That's far enough!"
    Sticks shouts from the roof's edge, swaying forward on his bird and putting a hand on the construct's neck to steady himself. The towering wizard aims his blasting rod at Vax and company. "Best to back up there, lad," he tells the Hunter, voice conveying urgency and partly-feigned fear. "I'm not at all surprised she doesn't want to explain. The green thing is carrying one of the most dangerous magical weapons of terror I've ever seen. A bottled demon. I think it's needless to say, but letting her go anywhere with it would be..." he narrows his eyes, and it's very apparent even at a distance due to the way they glow. His brow furrows with worry. "Unwise."

    "Get away from the Eastsider, Vax,"
    he addresses his enemy at last. "You've hurt enough people tonight."
    Last edited by Murkus; 2017-09-08 at 04:21 PM.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

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