Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
I'm not a sci-fi fan. Not into Star Trek or any similar shows or movies. So I won't get the references or allusions or anything. I AM a McFarlane fan, but this is also the first time I've seen him in live-action stuff (haven't seen any of his movies).

Overall, it was ok. It felt like Star Trek that untucked its shirt, and wasn't afraid to laugh at itself. But, I mean, it's one episode. You can't establish much in that amount of time even with a 45 minute show. So it's worth a little bit more watch, if only to see the characters more fleshed out.
The first episode didn't have a lot of references or allusions, except visually with the resemblance of Planetary Union ships to those of the Federation of Star Trek. This really isn't being played as a satire on Star Trek, at least not so far.