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Thread: A Dark and Stormy Knight IC [3.5]

  1. - Top - End - #162
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: A Dark and Stormy Knight IC [3.5]

    Nothing else of note happens.
    You return to report your findings, are given a minor additional reward for your efforts (10 gp each; they assume you got plenty of worthwhile treasure, so they just let you keep that without enquiring or figuring taxation/legalities). Plans are made to reseal the Tor.

    on dealing with other treasure you'd found:
    the two non-magical pearls were worth 100 each;
    I'm assuming gold is split evenly amongst the party.

    the magic items are identified by the local scholars of your lord.
    the magical pearl is a level 0 pearl of power
    the translator's ring as you found out lets you understand goblin and giant (or whatever I said at the time)
    the headband of hte stout heart gives you +1 resistance bonus to will saves
    the lifting belt gives a +2 (i'm changing it from the module's +1) enhancement bonus to strength ONLY for purposes of determining carrying capacity.

    The end! (plus whatever final words you care to add)
    oh, and xp-wise, in case you use your chars elsewhere, I think the module totals to around 600 xp apiece.
    Last edited by zlefin; 2017-09-24 at 06:35 PM.
    A neat custom class for 3.5 system

    A good set of benchmarks for PF/3.5

    An alternate craft point system I made for 3.5