Quote Originally Posted by Chen View Post
I'm not really sure why the commander is getting criticized here. She clearly has a HUGE problem with Klingons what with them killing her parents. She's also NOT a Vulcan despite being raised by them so her having emotional issues is perfectly reasonable. They mentioned that practically no one had even seen a Klingon in 100 years. Her having basically a mental breakdown after being attacked by the Klingon is not terribly unreasonable. She's trying to hide it in professionalism and logic and is clearly failing to do so. I don't see how that makes her poorly written in any way.
Because she has to be perfect, but not too perfect, wouldn't want her to be a Mary Sue. :rolleyes:

The funny thing is is that I'm not entirely sure she was wrong in advocating for a Vulcan hello. Her actions afterwards were clearly in the wrong, but had Georgiou accepted her recommendation ... I'm not sure. Quite possibly, things would have shaken out the same, because T'Kuvma clearly wanted this war.