Deepwood manage to get away from the reach of the rat and they keep jumping up and down in rage, not attacking everypony else. As the firecrackers sound however, they begin to twitch as they close their eyes and cover their eyes. Some are bleeding from their ears even but they no longer have any attacking motion.

In fact... they seem quite miserable. Most are crying now... Their miserable low squeaks tell you they are completly defeated.

Sugar seem perplexed at what to do next. She seem unwilling to let go her anger but in the same time, she is unwilling to harm the rats more. Then she gasp, suddenly realizing something: " Wait, it is me or the room got a lot darker? "

And indeed it have. You can now see a tree trunk covering every windows so much that now the room is barely litted. Only the fire of the fire in the stoves is lighting the place now...