Quote Originally Posted by Cosi View Post
I think you're confusing "things that make you wrong" with "buzzwords that you hate for no good reason". The actual term for "your sense data is filtered" is (as has been pointed out) neuroscience.
Already addressed in detail earlier.

The blinkered notion that everyone has their own constructed subjective reality and that there is no objective reality is at the HEART of postmodernism.

Quote Originally Posted by Cosi View Post
This is, of course, false. Evolution favors perception that filters for fitness over perception that filters for reality. Evolution cares about exactly one thing -- making more of you. If you can warp away from reality and towards successfully producing more children, evolution will do that. Every time.
Creatures that get false data from their senses don't survive make more of themselves. There is a limit to how much "not reality" senses can show before they get the creature killed.

And linking to a TED Talk... used to be interesting stuff before it became the home of pop-science BS.

Quote Originally Posted by Cosi View Post
It doesn't matter whether you effect "things" because you have no access to "things" (well, perhaps philosophical or mathematical things, but the subjectivity of those of those should be obvious to anyone with a grounding in either field). You have access to "models of things", and those models are changed when you observe things because that is what observing things means. That's what science is -- the process of changing our models of things.
I am currently sitting in a chair.

It is not a "model" of the chair that is holding me up.

Quote Originally Posted by Cosi View Post
I notice you managed to avoid linking to postmodernists actually saying those things.
I did in fact link to multiple definitions and descriptions of postmodernism making it quite clear that they believe those things.

When I get back later I'll wade into the idiotic mire of postmodernist BS and find some examples. In the meantime, look into the Sokal affair.

Quote Originally Posted by Cosi View Post
Also, I notice you've pivoted away from "literature has an objective meaning determined by the author" to "reality has an objective meaning". I'll admit to facilitating that shift to some degree, but I really don't see how this resolves the claims you've made about racism in fiction.
Go back, pay attention to the discussion instead of looking to score internet points, and you'll notice that I'm not the one who brought up this idiocy about reality being subjective.

Of course, I suspect you're well aware of that.