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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Re: Fallout Equestria: Tarts and Tribulations

    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
    Buh, ba, ba, ba, ba! Moonshadow said, holding up a hoof. She took a moment to catch her breath and then continued. Before we disconnect you, we still need to finish up with those jobs I gave you before I went to get your new ride. Where are you at with that?

    "Jobs? No, they were not so difficult to justify calling them that. The construct is currently being disposed of, the main supply of feed is currently being prepped to be burned, and the override code for the robots has gone through. In order for them to recognize you as their new owner, the code is ahh, ell, ell, equals, open parenthesis, ahh, ell, deh, iee, ehh, aer, space, iee. Enter that into this my interface after I'm out, and you'll have full control of them."
    the AI replied, sounding chipper.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazuki View Post
    "Who called you Madeline?"
    "Myself; I just named me a few minutes ago. I think it's a nice name."

    Viridia smiled when Moonshadow arrived. "Hey, Moonylicious. Why, uh, why are you the one who brought that body here?"
    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
    Because no one would help me and Madeline wanted the body here before she'd turn over control of the robots. Moonshadow explained.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazuki View Post
    "We have, like, three robot friends and an Earth Pony for hauling stuff." Viridia said. "How are we gonna control the robots?"
    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
    And they all refused to help. Moonshadow said, shrugging. Verbally I assume. I mean once we're labeled as their boss, we should be able to give them orders like you did with Dazzler right?
    Madeline quietly hummed to herself as the pegasi talked to one another.

    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    "Well, certainly looks used." Doc pats Bertly. "How good is your biotech knowledge? We should check the cabinets for any documents on how they make the feed and the little mutant critters around here."
    "I worked for the Ministry of Peace; I have forgotten more about biotechnology then all the ponies I'v known put together!" Bertly grumbled, his tone obviously put on. The robot quickly picked a shelf and began sifting through files, regardless.

    Doc first checks the percolator to see if it was recently used (i.e. is it warm?) and then started rummaging through filing cabinets and papers.

    Per [roll0] v. 7
    Luck [roll1] v. 6
    The percolator hadn't been used recently, or in the last hundred years, given the half inch of dust inside it, but that meant that it was probably worth something.

    There were actually only two cabinets on the desk; both were locked; he did find a key on the desk, but it didn't look like it belonged to either of the cabinets in question.

    Anyway, after a few minutes, between files of engineering maintenance logs, he managed to find several files of immediate interest that were clustered together;

    - One was labeled 'Equipment and Accessories Guide'; this was paired with another called 'Basic Handling (Draft)', and one called 'Media Examples'; these were all bundled together with a rubber band and looked older then most of the other files in the room by a few margins, and they were all quite thin.

    - "Original Product Draft', 'Biotoy Biology', 'Biotoy Physiology', and 'Biotoy Psychology (Revised)' were in a similar state to the ones Doc found, looking older then most of the other files, although they each contained a great deal of paper each.

    - 'Facility Overview', 'Handling and Interacting with the Product', and 'What We Do; a Orientation' were nestled in a mostly gutted HR section of the files.

    - There was also a vast array of various experiments that apparently went on here, as a good half of the room seemed dedicated to vaguely titled folders, labeled 'Experiment 1A' to 'Experiment 56f', in a rough order. There was roughly enough to go through that it would take the average pony the better part of a year to get through it all.

    [Pick a folder or a folder section to examine, one at a time. Searching through the experiment logs will take Int rolls to find anything in specific.]

    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    Choro laughs, honestly kind of relieved. It's dank, to be sure, but after everything else they've been through... somehow the clutter is soothing to the little mage. She can almost picture the old tan coated stallion sitting at his desk, the smell of coffee wafting across the room. She glances from side to side, humming. Why was this compartmentalized? Aloud, she posited to the group, "Three labs. Six of us. Shall we split up? We're all close by and we could search the area more efficiently as teams of two."
    "Choro, no, that's how horror movies work." Strata said quietly, mostly to herself, before coughing into a hoof and glancing at the desk in the middle of the room.

    Before they make a decision however, Choro takes a look at the terminal, tapping away at it and bringing tools out of her saddlebags. If she could get it online and operational, it might provide a decent starting point

    [roll0] Science 90 to get this thing on and take a look at what's inside.
    It was a basic system, one without any connection with the outside, but it opened up easily.



    Clearance: Eyes Only

    > Prime Directives

    > Experiment Abstracts

    > Employees

    > Hippocratic Holdings/Chief Scientist Guide
    Last edited by Dalinale; 2017-10-11 at 01:06 AM.