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Thread: Character Sexuality?

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    Jormengand's Avatar

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    Default Re: Character Sexuality?

    Quote Originally Posted by Segev View Post
    There was no "inequality" towards trans- people in what happened, other than in the minds of those who wish to interpret it as hateful towards such people.
    No, I think that treating trans people like freaks is unequal no matter how you swing it. You can't act like a particular class of people are disgusting and awful and then be surprised when they're offended. I mean you can, but you look exceptionally foolish when you do.

    EDIT: I also find it hilarious how much time you - who want us to know that you don't want to have to deal with people's sexualities - are devoting to talking about people's sexualities and the minutae of exactly what you think is wrong with them.
    Last edited by Jormengand; 2017-10-11 at 02:35 PM.