Quote Originally Posted by Segev View Post
When the guard refuses the male bard because he's straight, that's seen as "oppression." When the female bar wench refuses the male barbarian because she's a lesbian, that's seen as "woman power."

Unless it isn't, and it's just because people have preferences. "Not into that" happens. The successful cassanovas and femmes fatale tend to not just be good at seduction, but also at finding seducible targets.

And I can accept you without approving of your actions or preferences. You are not your libido. (If you are, that is a personal problem that I would rather stay far, far away from.)
I have literally never seen that happen. My games I run as a DM have people pf all sexualities and hell there was even a character someone wanted to romance but then discovered they were asexual. They stayed friends and he became a story important NPC.

I have seen players rage out when they can't seduce the bar wench in some highschool games. But those were immature teens.