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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Re: Fallout Equestria: Tarts and Tribulations

    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    Survival [roll0] v. 30

    Doc sighs. Guess the squeaking isn't as important as debating pensions and dead ponies. He cautiously walked into the room, gun ready, looking around at anything of interest as he slowly made his way to the Lab door B.
    (There's twelve units of trash on the floor.)

    Stealth [roll1] vs. 63
    Doc finds himself in a room that, impressively, resembled a foal's playroom, scaled industrially, and only lightly dirty.

    There was a series of middling-sized foam mats to his right, near what appeared to be a food dispenser attached to the walls, and three head-sized plastic orbs attached to the ground gave off soft pink-green light; soft plush toys, bears and dogs mostly, were scattered about. Dominating the middle of the room was a large chunky green set of children's furniture with spaces for several different individual meals, including some spots with heating a cooling pads, and a wash station nearby that consisted of a patch of low tile flooring and a small hose, which was next to a small clear glass pod which appeared to have a litterbox inside it. The rest of the room seemed dedicated more towards recreation for a child; roughly a third of the room consisted of a cleared area filled with toys and carpets with a large television at the end, while the other third was a raised section that appeared like a artificial grassy hill, complete with a few small bushes here and there, with a large artificial log with glass windows on its side being prominent.

    Doc could hear light chattering coming from the grassy play area, along with hushed whispers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Valin View Post
    Choro looks somewhat offput by Strata's answer. The little mare raises an eyebrow, "How do you mean 'acceptable'?"
    "Well, Choro, you could get a Mr. Handy with a personality suitable to play with kids; that's a sentient lifeform that's built for the same purpose that the critters were. Or any of the things that were cooked up in Equestrian labs, or the megaspells, or anything like that. There would've been more legal issues in making a talking molerat then a chimera creature."

    Choro frowns, making a few mental notes before backing out for the moment. There's a mention of revising the 'Cuties' genetic code, but no information on how. She needs to finish this up and continue onward. With a hum, she brings up the employees header. Unlikely to be much immediate usage, but if they're tracking down those ponies who might have known of the Overseer's backdoor... this was as good a starting point as any.
    Spoiler: Employees
    Eyes Only, Chief Scientist
    Slushy Ice, Scientist
    Alchermes, Scientist
    True Greenery, Scientist
    Lucy Lace, Scientist
    Chulpan, Laboratory Technician
    High Praise, Laboratory Technician
    Honey Nut, Laboratory Aid
    Ferragut, Laboratory Aid
    Rusty Wrench, Robotics Technician
    Arboreal Glory, Animal Wrangler

    "Yes! Yes, exactly!"

    Choro is beaming at Thanatos' answer. That's what she likes to hear! She wouldn't have expected it from the stallion, but a belief in co-operation and working together is fire for the little wizard's heart. It's lifted her up so high, it actually takes her a moment to work out the contradiction. When she does the glee vanishes, but she seems more confused than anything else. "So how do you reconcile that with an individual's will being limitless? I agree that personal will is important and often strong, but the will of the group is stronger. History proves that, time and again. Powerful villains and secret cabals are no match for ponies that stand together."
    Thanatos seemed amused by Choro's question.

    "No one is a island, and Celestia wasn't Equestria. Although it might sound cliche, most powerful individuals in the world reach where they are because they are driven by those they care for. If that person happen to be themselves, then so be it; I, however, do what I do for my family. Regardless of one's driving forces, this world that we live in cannot be properly succeeded by wandering individuals, no matter how powerful they may be. If one is unable to find others of similar goals and desires, then that is another problem entirely; I believe there are books to help with that."

    That was characteristically blunt. Calling her 'girl' repeatedly, and insulting Stable Tec and Stable ponies for good measure. Choro sighs, but she looks more thoughtful than anything. "I think I can agree with some of what you say, but you're generalizing. I feel the past is very important, I became a wizard to try and honour the ponies who once held that title, but I can't really live my life just by that. The old wizards never had to deal with situations quite like these." Choro pauses for a moment, gathering her thoughts and words "I respect them. I try to act with the nobility and wisdom ponies like Starswirl showed. But they're a guide. I can't know how they would act, so... I just try to live up to their title and principles. They inform my actions but don't dictate them. Does that make sense?"
    "That view is commonplace, and harmful; Equestria cannot bravely march towards the past if it is to repair itself, no matter how far back you source those beliefs. The Steel Rangers saw themselves as knights protecting the relics of the past, the magi believe preform those same roles from ivory towers, the horses once attempted to carve a city-state based on their traditions decades ago, and the Reavers continue to try and enforce the old laws at this very moment. None of these groups benefit the world and their existence stifles Tauronto's further growth, regardless of the so-called safety they create."

    Thanatos paused, and glanced away from Choro, towards Doc.

    "Excuse me, but I believe Doc Wagon has gotten lost. I will check on him."

    Thanatos then walked into lab Doc ventured into, vanishing almost immediately and basically leaving the filly with Strata, who was currently observing Bertly continue to search through the files.
    Last edited by Dalinale; 2017-10-24 at 06:58 PM.