The troopers pull up as Eldrith stops the speeder, first the near one and then the far one. The echoing, low sound does rattle quite a bit, and the troopers seem a bit jittery with one handling his weapon, although not aiming it at anything. Cautiously, or nervously, they approach the speeder. "You're in an awfully big hurry..." he glares at Zo. "Can you tell your friend to pipe down?" the helmeted man says to Eldrith, nervously.

Yijz can hear the sounds of speeders hovering past on the street outside, moving slow but not stopping. Then he hears voices, although it is difficult to make out what is being said behind the plasteel masks the troopers are wearing. They're not obviously converging on him, for now, although they are definitely still looking for him. The odor of the brandy wafts from the bottle - it smells like it's seen better times, although the alcohol content surely has kept it sterile.