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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Prestige Class Contest I 3.X: It's the Little Things, Submission Thread.

    The Intern

    "Kid yer suppose ta feel like ya dyin', that's how ya know yer werking." - Korvask the Bloodied, First Rager of the Blood Company

    Speical: No class levels
    Special: You cannot start the game with more than 5 intern levels.

    Class Skills
    The Intern's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are determined by their internship.
    Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int

    Hit Dice: d4; see internship

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Class Features
    Internship, Competence +1 -
    - +1 to Internship Class
    Competence +2 -
    - +1 to Internship Class
    Competence +3 -
    - +1 to Internship Class
    Competence +4 -
    - +1 to Internship Class
    Competence +5 -
    Got My Certification +1 to Internship Class

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: See Internship.

    Internship (EX): Upon taking the first level the intern chooses a class they wish to intern as. Upon choosing the class they gain all their fist level special and spell casting of the class. They must find someone with levels in the class equal to the interns class level +5, hence forth refereed to as the Professional. The intern must preform menial tasks like fetching coffee, tea, random ingredients, weapons, quests, or whatever the Professional requests. This internship grants basic understanding of how the class chosen works. If your current professional level is less then your class level +5 then you must seek out a new professional to learn from, and cannot gain additional levels until you find a new professional. Experience accumulated while searching for a new professional is put in a side pool. Once a new professional is acquired, the XP is gained at a rate of 500 x the new professional's level in the chosen class per week until all reserved XP is gained. If you would exceed the professional's level -5 then your XP is stunted again until a new professional is gained that is high enough level.

    Skills: The intern can pick 10 skills that are class skills for their chosen class, these are the intern's class skills.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The intern learns gains proficiency with three weapons the chosen class is proficient in. If the class has martial weapon proficiency the intern also gains simple weapon proficiency. If the class has armor proficiency the intern gains one step lower proficiency. Light armor and shields grants no proficiency, medium armor grants light armor proficiency, tower shields provide shield proficiency, and heavy armor grants medium armor proficiency.
    At the second level the intern gains all armor and weapon proficiencies the 1st level of the chosen class gains.

    Hit Die: The interns HD is d4 for any class with a d4 or d6 HD, d6 for any class with a d8 or d10, and d8 for d12 or higher.

    Competence: If the chosen class has +1 base attack bonus or a +2 base save at level 1 the intern gains a +1 competence bonus to attacks and any save with a +2. The bonuses increases by 1 per odd intern level. IE +2 at 3rd, +3 at 5th, +4 at 7th, +5 at 9th

    Class Features: Starting at the 2nd level and every even level there after the intern gains all the class features tied to the class chosen as part of internship. Treat the intern as a level 0 in the class for determining what the level increase does. If the intern's class level + levels in the class they are interning in would exceed their Character Level the bonus does not apply to unlocking new abilities.

    Got My Certification: Starting at the 10th level, an intern upon taking 1 level in the chosen class adds all their intern levels to their class levels in the chosen class for determining what class features they have and what level they are in the class.
    Last edited by Lanth Sor; 2017-11-17 at 04:28 PM.

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