Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
The only viable advice for an abusive relationship is to tell the person to get out of it. There isn't a lot they can do for someone who is stuck in an abusive situation, the victim isn't going to get mentally healthy under those conditions and the abuser isn't going to stop.

There is a reason abuse advice starts with acknowledging the victim is going to have a hard time being convinced they need to be extricated, and then healing starts by them leaving and cutting off contact.
I mean, it's not just that it was in an abusive situation, but that the abusive situations I was in were ones where the ties were largely external rather than internal. So it's not that I needed to be convinced that I needed to be extricated, it's that I'm sitting there going "I'd love to be out, but I don't currently have the resources that I need to feel I can exit without putting myself into an even worse situation." But I feel like therapists tended to get stuck on the convincing me that I needed to put up boundaries and cut people who wouldn't respect them out.