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Thread: Divine Statue-Arcologies

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: "Gods of Higher Statue"

    Quote Originally Posted by GreatWyrmGold View Post
    There aren't any disk-shaped gods around [citation], so I'm not sure the question is actually relevant.
    Well if by being disk shaped you can have more power while having a statue that have a lower height you have less problems keeping it static.
    If you are a god you should probably use mind switch into an animated object which have whichever shape is the most convenient for making a statue of the maximum power.
    So my question is 100% valid if the gods actually care about getting power more than they care about silly things like looking like an ugly half hyena half humanoid(like ethrynul) or looking like a cube(There is a god of oozes).
    If on the other hand what matters is not having the highest volume or mass but being the tallest then gods have interest in looking like a very thin bar(for example the god of snakes have a shape very convenient for making tall statues(since you need way less castings of suspension for making the statue not crumble while having a given vertical length))
    There is some people who before becoming gods were mortals who always did seek more power at any cost.
    Once those kind of mortals becomes gods of course they will be ready to pick up whichever shape is optimal for maximum statue size even if they have to pick up the size of a miniature solar system or another silly thing.
    Tl dr: if gods were thinking like real life humans the gods which would be major gods would be gods that researched and picked up the optimal shapes.(especially since you mentioned some kind of survival of the fittest god period of the history)
    Last edited by noob; 2017-11-21 at 02:14 PM.