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Thread: Why is DC sucking so much?

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Why is DC sucking so much?

    Overly high expectations and bad luck. Batman and Superman are characters that a lot of people are extremely invested in, so every time a movie gets made featuring one of them, a lot of people are ready to say 'that's not my superman/batman'. And most of them have different conceptions of what 'my' superman or batman is, which makes it a very, very difficult line to walk.

    In response to this, Suicide Squad was forced to become a tentpole movie instead of the side story it was intended as, which put it in a lose/lose situation, where softening its hard edges alienated its core audience, but not softening it damaged its broad appeal.

    Wonder Woman, freed of these impossible expectations by being not quite so well known, succeeded quite well critically, there were potential pitfalls in various gender issues but it got around them by sidestepping.

    Which brings us to Justice League, which had a ridiculously troubled production where the first director had to step aside due to a family tragedy, and the replacement was immediately hit by three separate scandals. Their styles didn't mesh well, and the compromise had trouble pleasing either set of fans.

    All that said, it's only out a week, there's still time for it to surprise us.

    Aside: One of the reasons I had trouble liking Civil War was how US centric it was, which is normally fine, but the entire point of the movie was about countries asserting their sovereignty, which made it massively jarring when the
    US Secretary of State orders the German police to 'shoot on sight' a suspect in Romania for a crime committed in Austria. That is not how countries work.
    Last edited by Sapphire Guard; 2017-11-23 at 04:17 PM.