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Thread: Why is DC sucking so much?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    May 2012

    Default Re: Why is DC sucking so much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
    On TV?
    ...It just seems like the Superhero Genre bubble burst within four years (Marvel's ratings are also dropping, and Inhumans was a disaster).
    True, but Marvel's live action movies are going strong, and have even improved somewhat. Inhumans had an incredibly rushed and messy production because they wanted to make it a movie, then a TV show, and they're trying to make the inhumans the MCU X-Men which doesn't work. But it's really an outlier whe looking at Marvel as a whole.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
    I like the animated movies. I mean, Killing Joke sucked. But, everything else has been good? No?
    Not really, as someone stated Son of Batman was awful providing us with a terrible Deathstroke and impotent Talia Al Ghul (and then they ignore their portrayal to make her more monstrous than the comics version in the sequels). Justice League: War made Superman and Green Lantern into complete docuhes, and Wonder Woman had a mental disability. The Batman: Unlimited is childish fluff. DC has lost it's edge on Animation.

    Though to be fair Marvel's animation is lacking as well. Their current Spider-man cartoon is terrible (as was it's predecessor), they canceled Avengers: EMH for a lousy cartoon that was "closer to the movies", and rarely make any D2DVD films. But at least the films and live action shows are something to look forward to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Ultron View Post
    Well, it is not just DC, of course, but all most all of Hollywood.

    First off the DC TV shows are perfect for what they are made for: Young 20 something super dramas....with superheros mixed in a bit. There target audience is your typical, mostly female, young person who just loves young drama And the very casual comic reader, mostly male, who read some comics in the past. So the basic idea is a couple can watch it together as the perfect show: ''she'' loves all the young drama and ''he'' loves the superhero tights and action. (Though you can switch around the he and she too). The shows are made for the person who has no idea what a comic is, and the casual reader from long ago.
    There's nothing wrong with Drama. The problem with the CW shows is that it feels so pointless because the characters behave in such unbelievably stupid ways to make mistakes just for conflict. And the love stories aren't well written with characters who have chemistry together. It feels forced and not natural. Superhero shows have done romance well, but none of the CW shows are.
    Last edited by Zmeoaice; 2017-11-23 at 05:27 PM.