Quote Originally Posted by Lord Torath View Post
What's the best build for Mastering the Armor of Akkan set dungeon? I passed it easily enough with the Blessed Shield build, but it does not include Condemn, making it somewhat difficult to Condemn ten groups of ten enemies.
I didn't use Blessed Shield at all to master it, rather i used a Condemn Akkhan build. It was similar to this (speedfarming variation.) However, that was a long while back, before the timer and all the items got buffed, so you may end up doing too much damage now if you don't self-nerf.

Instead of the Furnace that the build suggests, I used Swiftmount to get through the dungeon more quickly, but the rest was accurate (including Prophecy + Frydehr.) Again though, this may no longer be necessary since all the set dungeons got a 1 min buff and the enemies show up on your map.

Mastering the dungeons is basically a cakewalk now - but at the same time, they're actually fun to go in and do instead of praying for RNGeezus to smile on you with mob placement, so I'm happy for the changes overall even though I suffered. (And I don't even want to think about the poor souls who mastered them on the PTR or at release, back when half the immunity items didn't work and you would get one-shot by the elites.)

Quote Originally Posted by Lord Torath View Post
I also have the Seeker of the Light, but have been unable to get Johanna's Argument or Faithful Memory. Or the one that let's you do Falling Sword really quickly.
Don't bother with Cam's Rebuttal, it's a waste of time. I mastered the dungeon (again, on the harder timer) just fine without it.