Quote Originally Posted by Ruck View Post
as far as I recall we haven't seen a single Dwarf female in-comic with a beard
Wasn't MitD's (non-)act at the circus followed by a "bearded lady" who was just a female dwarf?

Quote Originally Posted by TheTinyMan View Post
To Hilgya, though, perhaps the most responsible thing for the baby IS bringing it into battle - because the best ends for the baby would be to grow up seeing her perception of dwarven society, and the baby growing up as another cog in the machine of oppression - i.e. she left the baby behind when she went on a life-threatening mission - would be worse than death.
Please stop misrepresenting my position. No-one is suggesting she should leave the baby in the care of people she doesn't trust. What I'm saying is that she has the choice to NOT go on the baby-threatening revenge mission. She is not in it to save the world, she just wants to kill Durkon. She is literally putting her own desires ahead of the needs of her child.

She could simply turn around and go to the human lands and raise Kudzu in the ways of the humans. (Of course, then he'd grow unknowing of Loki's wager, die of old age, and spend eternity in Hel's clutches, because that's the kind of future a mother would want for her child, I'm sure).

Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
She may be underestimating the threat the vampires pose.
She might be totally optimized to defeat undead.
She may be far more powerful than any of us appreciate.
She may have carried this baby into a few dozen battles before this scene comes up.

We don't know. You are making more assumptions than I am.
I am making no assumptions whatsoever. I am stating the simple truth: it is safer to NOT take a baby into battle than it is to take said baby into battle. No matter how many spells or levels Hilgya has, the battle avoided is always safer than the battle taken.

Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
She may have carried this baby into a few dozen battles before this scene comes up.
So what? How is this in any way refuting "it is safer to NOT take a baby into battle"?