Quote Originally Posted by Kaptin Keen View Post
Homo mensura, the world is as we see and/or make it, and human opinion isn't tied to strict rational underpinnings.
But human opinion can be tied to rational underpinnings. It is innaccurate to suggest that all opinions are devoid of rational basis.

Opinions are just ideas that a person elects to adhere themselves to. Nothing prevents a person adopting an irrational opinion (most people do to lesser or greater degrees), but that doesn't make all opnions equally or intrinsically irrational.

Quote Originally Posted by Kaptin Keen View Post
But likely they weren't too proud of it after. They didn't go home and tell their old mom.
You'd be surprised.

Quote Originally Posted by Kaptin Keen View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Koo Rehtorb View Post
You keep asserting this, but that doesn't make it true.
That's why I keep pointing out that it's an opinion.
This makes your opinion baseless and lacking substance, devaluing its merit.

Positing baseless opinions usually has the best effect when you frame it in, "I think/feel [insert opinion]."

This starts your statement recognizing its lack of rational defense, so as not to provoke intense rational scrutiny or to give the impression that it is intended to be superior to other opinions that do actually have rational basis (and, should the rationale be found valid, earning greater merit than mere feelings, which are so susceptible to deception).