Quote Originally Posted by Cikomyr View Post
No, he is a villain. His regaining his agency in the first place is one of the movie's main subtheme.

The Winter Soldier is the biggest mover and shaker on the Villain's side in Cap2. He has a lot of screen time, solid presence.

He is about on par with the Terminator in term of agency; both are killing machines sent by others to execute the overall evil plot.
Youre confusing villain for antagonist. And its true, he's the primary antagonist of the movie, because cap and his interactions with the Winter Soldier is the biggest focus. But just like the Terminator, he isn't the main villain. For Terminator, its Skynet, for Cap its Hydra and their boss who's name I cant remember at the moment. Theyre the ones with goals, motives, desires and plans.