Quote Originally Posted by HolyDraconus View Post
That's a good question. How in the Hell IS Gero' s droids better than the best of an entire universe that is dedicated to such things? Pretty sure that Cell at this point would be dying of laughter after seeing them.
I don't know

but all those justifications? "U7 is advancement universe" "Reed Richards better than entire Nikola Tesla verse" all are comic book explanations. lets ignore that for a moment and actually apply sense and logic to this (A dangerous thing to do with Toriyama works indeed):

1. an entire universe of Nikolas Tesla's would kick a single Reed Richards ass any day, every day of the week in technology. why? because technology isn't actually about how ingenious you are. its about: the resources you have available, the techniques to process those resources available, and how long your willing to work hard to make a design work and improve upon it until it does. trillions upon trillions of Teslas perspiring would outbuild and outdesign a single Reed-Richards inspired, simply because they'd constantly be checking each others work, improving upon each others designs, correcting each others mistakes, testing out more things with more people available, and generally just having a ridiculous amount of people to find out knowledge all at the same time. this combined with the fact that the have planets of machinery to help mass-produce anything and everything.....well you get the picture. a single guy no matter genius, no matter how devoted to advancement, has no hope of competing with an entire civilization.

2. even if U3 was doing remote controlled robots, this is honestly a bad way to do those remote controls. Why haven't they've been implanted in your brain? why are they silly combining mecha at all? where are the nanorobotics that make them regenerate, or turn into clouds at will so that you can't knock them off easily, why is the best Catoplesa's power armor can do is little boosts (yes I know Kamen Rider parody, don't care) when it could y'know, do so much more? like a grappling feature to keep from falling the off ring? or a jetpack? in fact, why isn't the whole team implanted with jet packs? they are non-ki based flight, and it count since its something implanted into them and not using a separate object.

3. they missed a great opportunity to simply find a U3 alien thats like made of plasma, put them in a power suit then reveal that he is made of plasma when he takes it off....and he is like this humanoid living star that is constantly generating star levels of heat around him so he needs to wear a power suit just to interact with ordinary civilization, so even stepping close at all is dangerous, the ground itself heats up and makes it harder to focus on even getting near him and even if you could, he is made of plasma, what are you going to do about that? how do you get around that? most likely you don't, because this plasma fighter would be literally too hot to handle, give him competent fighting capabilities and he would be a threat nearly as difficult and terrifying as Jiren, simply because he is made of plasma. it would be a good example of U3 being able to stack the deck like any good smart person would.

4. remote control nothing, with the advanced tech they SHOULD have, they could make these robots a hive mind with little effort. just like, go full borg on the Tournament of Power, fighting one of them and all the fighters on U3 learn from it, have them rapidly adapt and change tactics as new information is revealed, no need for a central fighter that controls the rest, they are just one big being with ten bodies that learns incredibly fast from all the bodies that is observing the fighters its in and around.

5. infinity engines should honestly be old news to U3. they should be like "I recognize your engine right away, those are clearly primitive models, look at the upgrades WE have!" making Androids 17 and 18 have to fight a foe that is just as tireless as them and therefore have to ether die or fly when they encounter someone that they can't just wait out, one who has additional upgrades to make it even harder. wouldn't THAT be an awesome fight to see!? I mean c'mon, admit it, wasted opportunity there.

6. bring back energy drain hands? No? even though it'd be very advantageous and annoying to other Universes? I mean come on, catch a Jiren Blast and you might get real get powered up from that.

7. If your not going to bring back Cell, at least give us a REAL Cell-like fighter from U3. y'know, because Cell was a great villain and as long as your nostalgia tripping people, you might as well give U3 a legit Cell-like fighter rather than the brief joke that was "The Preecho".

8. go really strange, just have a fighter who is a nothing but a solid grey sphere of nanorobots that floats around, and does nanorobotic tricks to defeat people. show how terrifying and flexible that can truly be.

9. A pure psychic technique user please? I mean think about in Dragon Ball, we have both telepathy and telekinesis as demonstrable powers that people can do, so why a U3 fighter whose power of the mind and intellect is more literal by simply exploiting both powers to their fullest extent? now add in infinity engine.

10. the only fighter from U3 that really makes sense and be as competent as they should be is Maji Kayo, with his liquid body and whatnot. again, why don't have more of this? we could have so many fighters that force you to think outside the box to defeat them here.

U3 could've been the universe full of powerful puzzle fighters almost as terrifying at U11 or in some cases even more so, but apparently they can't be bothered to think about it and just slapped in a few old sci-fi parodies. ugh.