Quote Originally Posted by Airk View Post
You pretty much lost me at "There's a story I want to tell."

RPGs are not the place for GMs to tell their stories. Go write a novel if that's what you want.
I agree with Airk. You may want to go read Don't Prep Plots. If you've predetermined any outcomes in your game, your players have a right to be pissed. However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt at this point and assume it's just a question of semantics and that your players have full control over the outcomes in your scenario.

On the one hand, it's fantastic that your players harbor such animosity toward your villain. Any good DM would give his right arm (or left; whichever is his non-dice throwing arm) for that kind of emotional response to an antagonist.

I suspect the players' frustration stems from the fact that he's a DMPC. Either they object to his getting special treatment by getting a serious power upgrade behind the curtain while they've had to work for everything they have, or they don't believe you'll give them a fair shot at taking him down later and expect you to bail him out with DM fiat. It's a safe bet that both of those problems can be fixed by talking to the players OOG and perhaps making some adjustments based on their feedback. The satisfaction your players will feel if the villain finally gets his well-deserved comeuppance is worth the risk.