Hi all,

First I'd like to say that I'm a longtime lurker on this thread and it's been a pleasure to find such well-informed and interesting discussion. I'm a novice when it comes to history, and it's nice to not have to take wikipedia at it's word!

Second, I have a question regarding armour weights and costs, for my homebrew quasi-DnD setting/ruleset.
As usual it's anachronistic, but could roughly be described as 1250-1400 Western and Central Europe.
My currency schema is 10 copper pieces to 1 silver piece, 10 silver pieces to a gold piece, and a unskilled labourer can hope to earn about 1 silver piece a day (if work was just for cash).
My armours are: cloth, leather, mail shirt, hide, mail (full body coverage), breastplate, plated mail, half-plate, full plate.

What kind of baseline prices/weights would be appropriate?
Do I need to give anymore information? Is this too anachronistic to conform to realism at all or should I just focus on game balance (which is obviously a topic for another thread)?

Thanks all,