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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Help with Sword Dancer of Eilistraee build.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedMage125 View Post
    Eilistraee is the light in the darkness for the drow, but that said...she is her mother's daughter. The small surface societies dedicated to her are dominated by the clergy, who are EXCLUSIVELY female. They're more benevolent than Lolth's to be sure, but they still thought of males as inferior.

    In previous editions, the sword dancers were clerics (specialty priest kit in 2e, PrC in 3.5e), and thus HAD to be female. I don't think you necessarily have to stick with that, however. But I'd say the Swords Bard is a better starting platform then the wizard, if for no other reason than which stat you're building for.

    I do like the Dark Maiden, though. If you want some great reading on her, read the Lady Penitent Trilogy by Lisa Smedman. Some things are easier to understand if you've read the War of the Spider Queen series before, but it's not-strictly speaking-necessary. It might give you some inspiration, especially if your DM is on board with the Masked Lady amalgam.
    I've done my research on the Dark Maiden as well, and no the clergy do not see males as inferior. At all. Male Sword Dancers are rare yes, but they don't stomp on your **** and tell you to gtfo like a Lolth priestess would. Swords Bard is a subclass I'm leaning heavily towards, just not sure if I should multiclass into the Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, or something else to keep the theme while still being optimal. I'm going for a build that is based around support, while still being very effective as a front line fighter that wears light armor.

    Edit: When I can find the time, I'll look up those novels. But if I can't find them, I did find and read this > http://www.dmsguild.com/product/1763...-and-her-Faith which has a lot of info on her and her followers. Best of all, it's free!
    Last edited by Spiderguy24; 2017-12-24 at 10:36 PM.