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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: (L5R - The Spoils of War) Hasso-no-Kamae: Asano's Story

    Asano acknowledged Tenjin's question by turning towards him and bowing in a single motion. It was the appropriate response from a heimin, and it also kept her face pointed towards the ground. Her hair cascaded forward, further obscuring whatever view Tenjin might have had of her face.

    "Samurai-sama?" Her words and tone conveyed a few things - 'have you addressed me?' 'May I be of service?' and 'I have not understood the question' - in a polite manner without breaking Asano's masquerade.

    Her hands rested on her knees, fingers curved in under her palms to hide the fact that they were without scar or mark. She kept her eyes cast down. Her posture was deferential and unchallenging.
    Last edited by Ezeze; 2018-01-05 at 10:42 AM.
    "Nothing has to be true, but everything has to sound true." - Isaac Asimov (Second Foundation)

    Avatar by Serpentine. Ezeze-doll by Recaiden.