Quote Originally Posted by Kryx View Post
That's a noble goal, but such goals should follow the flavor.
And Extra Sneak Attacky talent doesn't follow flavor? :) Dual Wielder feat's flavour makes sense if its +stat damage, or use one-handed weapons. Both follow flavor imo. It's just currently favoring the rogue over a fighter using the same dual shortswords, because at level 9, the fighter has no valid option to improve his primary fighting style.

Quote Originally Posted by Kryx View Post
Small weapons shouldn't magically deal more damage because a player wants a certain flavor choice. For example Daggers are generally worse for Rogues unless they throw regularly - that's just how the game is. Daggers shouldn't be upgraded to d6s to be comparable to shortswords.
Agreed, we are talking about off-hand damage though, not increase the weapons damage dice. I use daggers on my city rogue, because they are more easily concealable. I accept the damage drop, because its very minor. Rogues primary dpr doesn't come from damage dice, it comes from sneak attack. A level 20 rogue needs only hit once and get SA, and most of his damage is done, the extra attack from TWF increases that chance. Whether they roll a 1d4 or 1d8 on top of that for weapon damage, makes little difference.
A fighters comes from his damage dice, number of attacks, style(Archery is accuracy, GWF is higher average per hit), and a bit from CM's. Your TWF stance does add damage, but limits the dex fighter to one weapon.
For the rogue, dagger, shortsword and rapier are all finesse weapons, it doesn't make a huge difference.
If a Dex fighter wants to TWF, and make use of the TWF Stance, he has one option - Rapier, or be a sub-par fighter. At level 9, they have no option to enhance their fighting style.

Quote Originally Posted by Kryx View Post
You could argue the same about applying +ability mod on the offhand which is the RAW. The argument doesn't hold water imo. Specializations come "early" in 5e compared to weapon specialization came at 4th level in 3.X.
I should have stipulated, the General I'm talking about, is the stuff you get at level 1, the specialization is the Talent you choose later on, which further enhances your style.

Quote Originally Posted by Kryx View Post
No stances stack besides Defense. This is the exact case for every fighter. Either they choose defense and take the +1 AC or choose two and swap between melee and ranged weapons for example.
That is my point. The level 9 Dex Fighter chooses Defense, and....nothing. The Greataxe wielder choose GWF stance, and Defense fighting stance. As you said, its the same with all fighters, except a dex fighter who wants to dual wield melee weapons - his skill matches the rogue unless he too takes a liking to rapiers :P

Quote Originally Posted by Kryx View Post
Gannicus is not wielding light weapons, they are longswords
I stand corrected I always thought they were shortswords.