Quote Originally Posted by Ugganaut View Post
It's the Light Weapon fighting stance that is missing, you're right. Maybe just +1 to damage when hitting with light weapons. Fills the gap between d6 and d8 weapons. Although it should probably not be related to damage, should have some other benefit for using lighter, faster weapons.
Ah, ha! There is the suggestion that light weapons should do as much damage! :D

+1 damage is mechanically comparable, but I would only use it as a temporary option until I could come up with something more fitting to the flavor of light weapons as +1 damage is lazy design.

Quote Originally Posted by Ugganaut View Post
Any suggestions on how to fix Dueling? It really is horrid. I thought maybe +1 AC, they aren't using a shield or two-handed weapon, so are less weighed down so to speak, and can more easily dodge. I feel like a Defensive Duelist style thing would fit as part of this stance/style.
By my RAW calculations and Homebrew calculations fighting styles are worth about +10% DPR. Dueling accomplishes that.

Dueling isn't a bad choice, the lack of a feat or talent to follow it up with is the problem. GWF is only giving 7-8% more DPR, but that's because the DPR of the fighting style is so strong from GWM. Dueling needs a comparable feat.