((This is basically an addendum to my last post))

The necromancer scrambled back into the rapidly filling one and did as Lumpy asked, scrambling to the very first one. Once there though he was far from idle. Instead he held one hand over the rope clutched in the other and began to chant softly. Like the charlatans in the big cities the rope rose up into the air until it looked as if it was affixed to the ceiling of the cave and the necromancer was quick to begin scurrying up it.

"C'mon! This space will keep seven others besides myself self for about six hours before it collaspes. ONLY SEVEN! Even Lumpy can get in here. We'll have plenty of time to work on things during the time so come on!" He exclaimed, looking much like a mad man...until he disappeared at the end of Lissa's borrowed rope...

((To those who do go in...))

It lead up into a gray empty space with a window peering back out to were the rope had lead them from, and Callos sat down with a huff.