Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
I *have* watched the entire show before but I'd forgotten that detail, thanks. (Season 5 is overall quite forgettable, is my only excuse for that). OK, let's just assume that the Drakh didn't bother disabling the life support aboard the ships when they podded them up--after all, these ships are not specially built to be run this way, they're built to have Centauri crews aboard, and stripping out all the living quarters, life support etc. would simply be a waste of time.
Well, I'm talking more of just truing life support off. Assuming the pods even need life support, as if they are ''bio-machines'' they might not need it at all. But there are only like a couple pods per ship. So even if they do need life support, you don't have to crank out the full normal amount for a crew of a couple hundred. If you have a ''robot'' crew, you can turn off the life support and use the power elsewhere.

The real complaint is that Liner ''all most'' runs out of air....and then at the last second just luckily tags a passing ship and steals some air form it. Even without the Pods, it's still bad ''oh no'' writing...where I guess a couple of five year olds were like ''oh, no Liner is going to die!"...and everyone else knew that was not going to happen.