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Thread: What's your favorite headcanon?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: What's your favorite headcanon?

    Ok so this is my Cthulhu Mythos head canon.
    I have a paradoxical relationship with Lovecraft, I’m big fan of the Cthulhu Mythos, but I much prefer the lore behind the stories than Howard’s writing itself.

    Outside the dream cycle the only story I really love is “at the mountain of madness” I love that fact that such an advanced and scientific race such as the elder things was defeated and doomed by a stupid but highly adaptable inferior slave race, and that fact that awesome idea will echo throughout my entire take on how the Great Old Ones works in my views.

    To a casual observer the great theme in Lovecraft’s work is that we are insignificant and the Great Old Ones are so powerful, gigantic and cosmic they are not evil per se, they are just too superior to even acknowledge our existence, we are to them as ants are to us.

    My reading is that such view is superficial if you actually read his works it shows that the great old ones are more than aware of our existence and in my headcanon they are actually obsessed with us.
    My head canon is that we are the true eldritch abominations, we are corrupting and driving these ancient extradimensional beings mad.

    Take the Outer God Nyarlathotep for exmeple, in the books he’s cleary malign and perverted ebing who enjoys the suffering and the death of humans, he’s a satan like creature who often disguise himself as a human to trick, mislead and corrupt mortals to violent and nefarious ends.

    Take the Elder Gods and theGreat Race of Yith who often save and help humanity against the others.

    Take Dagon and the deep ones who make deals and build families with humans.

    Take Yog-Sothoth who is outsmarted by a human wizard, had sex and a son with a human and often enter in contact with occultists.

    Take the Ghouls who elected a former human as their leader.

    Take the Great Ones who actively love humans, want to be like them and to be with them, have demigod kids and run away from their duties to leave among the mortals.

    Take Cthulhu himself who loves to explore and be with humans in their dreams, who was able to awake form his eternal slumber twice and in both times decided to return to it, why? Maybe the dreams of humans turn out to be a lot more interesting than reality? Perhaps he is lost in their fantasies and addicted to them, just as we are addicted to sweets, games, porn and the internet.

    I could go on but I guess my point is clear, these cosmic and eldritch creatures are being corrupted by us, by our thoughts and psychic for beings so above us they don’t seem to get enough of us, they could destroy us in a second and yet they don’t? Why? Do they toy with us or are they just unable to stop thinking about us, to the point where their sanity may be lost and now they are pathetic shadows of their former selves.

    Was Nyarlathotep the soul of the Outer Gods such an evil and manipulative bastard before he meet humans? Or is that humanity rubbing on him and being a bad influence? Isn’t him supposed to be cosmic and above good and evil? Are humans making him go thought his edgy teen phase? He was also outsmarted by a human, how is such a infinite eternal being outsmarted by a mere human?

    Is mighty Cthulhu supposed to be sleeping all the time? Or was he supposed to be… You know… Mighty
    Is Yog supposed to be outsmarted, outplayed and even impressed by a mere human wizard?

    I know it’s kind of cliché but I think we are the real monsters in the end.

    Also the elder sign, there are two versions of it, one is the official one the other is an eye inside a star.

    There are two powerful races with elder in their names, elder gods and elder things.

    I like to think that both elder signs are legit but belong to different beings.

    The first more organic one belong to the elder gods.

    The second star shaped one belong to the elder things who have one eye and a star shaped face.

    I prefer the official Lovecraft one since that’s the closest we got of canon and I hate everything Derleth wrote but his version is much more famous and popular.
    Last edited by S@tanicoaldo; 2018-01-23 at 06:27 PM.
    I'm not a native english speaker and I'm dyslexic(that doesn't mean I have low IQ quite the opposite actually it means I make a lot of typos).

    So I beg for forgiveness, patience and comprehension.

    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    It's like somewhere along the way, "freedom of speech" became "all negative response is censorship".
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    "Gosh 2D8HP, you are so very correct (and also good looking), and your humility is stunning"