And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder

Another episode...

Things that don't Make Sense

*So suddenly Sheridan and Deleen have a Minbari ''slide'' bed, when like an epsiode they had a normal Earth bed. Or do they switch beds each week or something?

*Wonder why the Drac did not just blow away some Centari ships to keep up the's not like they would have cared about the loss of life.

*It is a wonder again, why is there no Earth ambassador. Sheridan is not a member of Earthforce anymore, so he can't represent you can't be president and ambassador at the same time. But then, it is a wonder why is not Captain Lockey there to represent Earth?

*So the Centari Empire will not acknowledge the Blockade? Um, what good will that even do? If the whole Alliance, and that is just about everyone in Known Space, where are the Centari ships even going to go? Even if they ''run'' the one will deal with them, right?

*Can you really tell if a person is drunk by if they can catch? Some people just can't catch period.

*So Garabaldi went to the meeting in the morning, alert and sober....then ran home and got drunk at lunch?

*Then drank a bunch of coffee and Red Bull and drugs to ''act'' not drunk for his Very Important Meeting. And then while waiting for the Very Important drunk yet again(or still?)

*So Sheridin off hand says Deleen is talking to the Minbari....but, why don't the Manbari send some warships to the blockade? That is how mutual defense works...right?

*And again...where is Earth?

*And again, it's a bit odd Garabaldi has no staff...even just a couple people.

*So the Centari switch from sending one warship with a transport to sending a fleet in like seconds.

*I guess the Centari blockade running warships are real ships with real Centari crews and not pods....right?

*So..other then the meta reason...why did not Sheridan put the White Stars on the Centari border? Remember when he sent ALL the white stars to the Enfeeli homeworld to stop some raiders? To bad he did not do something similar.

*And suddenly at the end of the episode...Sheridan has a normal Earth bed. Do they have two beds? Two bed rooms?

*Move Vir? Is not the Ambassador Sector the most secure spot on the station?

*And even if you did move'd do that with Security...or even better a Ranger....because that is what they are both specifically for...

Final-C, it's a much better episode over a lot of the season so far...but still the Interstellar War feels way to forced and rushed. Kind of like it ''must'' happen so Centri Prime ''will'' get attacked. Still it does have some nice Londo and G'kar moments...even a nice G'kar and Deleen moment.