I play in a Dragon Ball Z roleplay, a series about fighting for the sake of fighting. so of course somehow, the most inspiration I've drawn from for this is Undertale. a game all about pacifism. by making my main character's super form be cosplaying as Asriel Dreamurr and firing rainbows at everything, and setting all the fights to Undertale's soundtrack.

In a MLP roleplaying, a setting of magical ponies playing a magical videogame to save a world, I of course make a hacker straight of Tron and the Matrix blended with modding and sandbox/mmo gamer culture.

for fantasy worlds I have so far made an explosion-happy pyromaniac goblin merchant prince fire mage inventor who wields a shot gun straight out of a pulp novel, and a female hobgoblin artificer who treats making magic items as a form of programming and wants to bring an industrial revolution to her nation to improve their quality of life. because technology somehow inspires my fantasies?