Quote Originally Posted by Giegue View Post
Well, if you would allow, could I hombrew my own undeath domain for use with this for the needs of my table? A friend and I have a rough undeath domain for our own project and I think it could be adapted to fit your vision. It's desgin is pretty unique...instead of giving all your undead flat bonuses, it actually reduces the number of undead you can control, but makes the few undead you can control a *lot* stronger as a result. Your less about flat buffs to a massive hoard and more about having a few really strong undead. If you like, I can post up a version adapted for your houserules here for you to look at?
I think that's an interesting idea. Probably best to take and use the existing monsters like Ogre Zombie where possible.

I'd be most concerned about balance. Any class feature that can super charge a spell and make the spell more valuable for it's level is something to be rather concerned about. It all depends how it is implemented.