Quote Originally Posted by Aliquid View Post
Question to everyone for context

How often do you play in games where anyone actually pays attention to alignment?....
A little bit in Stormbringer which had an explicit Law vs Chaos background based on the Elric series by Michael Moorcock, and there were some both mechanical and setting effects from "Lawful" and "Chaotic" behavior, but I didn't get to play it enough to experience it much.

In the other game that I've played that's with alignment, Dungeons & Dragons, the only time that alignment had much of an effect was a 5e WD&D game in which the DM said the PC's had to have an "Evil Alignment", and which coincidentally or not, one of the dullest D&D games I've played, as I found role-playing a psychopath among psychopaths tiresome.

Quote Originally Posted by RedMage125 View Post
...In an edition with more concrete alignment mechanics, such as 3.5e, alignment determines how some spells, items, and abilities will affect you. Thus, an accurate telling of one's alignment is significant... .
Ah, that explains some, long ago I played a mix of Oe D&D/1e AD&D/third-party/magazine articles/stuff we made up, rules, and a lot of the TSR rules we just didn't use, including most of "Alignment" beyond writing one on the character sheet.

More recently I've played some Pendragon, which has "Passions and Traits" that effect behavior (it's a game that involves both more "roll-play" and "role-play" to game out Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight types of temptations), and that has had some mechanics that effect, and are effected by IC morality, otherwise I've played some B/X TD&D, which had "Alignment Languages" that didn't come up in play, and more 5e WD&D, which has Alignment inform the PC's "Ideals", "Flaws", etc, which DM's may award "Inspiration" bonuses for (similar to some mechanics in 1985's Pendragon), but I've never seen a DM actually use those rulers, just as I've never seen a DM impose the penalties that were in the old TSR D&D rules.

Obviously I haven't interacted with Alignment, because while I started gaming with the "Basic Set" almost 40 years ago, I haven't had enough actual table time, a problem you should totally solve by being my DM.

*place some sort of hopeful begging emoji here*