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Thread: Unusual Inspirations

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    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Unusual Inspirations

    I've made characters based on Jean Claude Van Damme's Frank Dux from Bloodsport, and lots of Steven Seagal based characters. Qui gon jin. Mads Mikkelsens tristan from the King Arthur with Clive Owen.

    Currently I've got a pair of shapeshifters who dont just impersonate but in fact are a half dozen modern hollywood stars. They were part of a circus of the stars troupe for a while but, being several hundred years old, he was the actual Doc Holliday. Lately i've made the transition from lots of Mads Mikkelsen based characters to Benedict Cumberbatch, but with my shapeshifters the movie star inspiration dial has turned up to 11. Or rather 12.

    12 famous people for him to be exact. 21 for her.
    Last edited by VincentTakeda; 2018-01-21 at 09:53 PM.