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    Default Re: Fallout VIII: Another Thread Needs Your Help General

    You do have to wonder how the average wastelander even survives. The main characters in the series always have a Pip-boy with a built in Geiger counter, but random wastelanders must be wandering into seemingly innocuous areas full of radiation constantly without knowing.

    Even with RadAway as part of the setting, the number of radiation related deaths must be astronomical.

    Quote Originally Posted by Triaxx View Post
    With an explosive weapon, it's almost more efficient to shoot their feet than at their bodies. The same reason mines are so stupendously effective against them, with the carapaces being on top I assume.
    Hmm. I honestly never even tried shooting them in the feet. Does it really work better? I just shoot their little face hole. They're not dangerous in any sense of the word, and they're not like Deathclaws where crippling them helps much, because they can't really close on you anyway.
    Last edited by Anteros; 2018-01-22 at 10:17 PM.