Assorted Titles of Varied Importance (And Levity)

Grand High Poohbah
Head Honcho
Honcho in Chief
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executed Officer (Professional Scapegoat)
Director of Executives (Cat Herder)
Director of Expletives (One who's competance both far exceeds both his own authority, and those in authority)
Senior Tube Technicion (Has a high degree of certification, training, and senority in a completely usesless or barely existant field)
Fabricator Marshall
Fabricator General
Fabricator Leftenant
Coffee Retrieval Technician (Intern)
Guildhouse Proprietor (Owns the building and /or in charge of the actual guild building related affairs)
Guildhouse Improprietor (Acts like he owns the place)
Chief Examiner of Comestables (Food Taster)
Vicemaster (lower in seniority to a master, above a journeyman)
Vizemeister (same as above but I think it just sounds better in German)
Backup Vice Assistant Reserve Undersecretary (guy who is never called on to do anything and has no authority, but still part of the guild)
Chief Subordinate Officer (The one reliable guy who ends up having to be brought in as support on literally everything)