The Lotus Gardens - Zenon

Zenon stands very still for a few moments after he materializes. The sheer amount of power in the area came as a surprise to the Devourer, and its senses take a few moments to adjust. Once the bright flash and overwhelming taste of the powers that have shaped the Gardens have been managed and subsided, he'll finally move quietly to a point overlooking the area, frowning as the massive headache induced from the sensory overload finally subsides. Powerful though he may be, he can still be caught off guard. Unfortunately, standing on top of a fount of power like this has an unexpected side effect: he now needs to manage the Devourer's hunger in order to maintain his cover, a process that leaves him a bit distracted for another few moments, though not distracted enough to not begin noting movements of people and things around and below him. He's had to suppress the ranges of many of his supernatural senses, but he should still be able to note anyone who passes within about 100 yards of the Cathedral, though he won't be able to tell if they've got supernatural abilities of their own until they use them due to the amount of filtering he's had to put on those senses. Still, some warning is better than none, assuming no one saw him while he was disoriented.