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Thread: Unusual Inspirations

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Unusual Inspirations

    Current campaign I am running is inspired by historical fiction about India and about Moorish Spain (basically it has its own version of East India Trade Company, ancient demons buried deep in black jungles, an elvish Alhambra, an elvish Cordoba with dwarven "Jewish" quarters etc...) and by the signing of the Magna Carta.

    I think i ended up here after I read a couple of John Master's India books, visiting Spain and I don't know how exactly I decided to add the Prince John's tragic story.

    Before that I made pretty much a whole campaign based on the flying cities of Heroes V and swimming in the sea next to a beautiful beach and imagining emerald coasts. It was with a Mesoamerican and a bit of Polynesian flavor.

    Even before that I invented a whole campaign around the image of a bush I saw in winter covered in snow with little birds inside it combined with the history of the Winter war between the lightly armed "elvish" finns and the much bigger armies of the "orcish" soviets with their war machines.

    So I guess I am using mainly history and traveling for my main inspirations.
    Last edited by Couatl; 2018-01-26 at 10:10 AM.