Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
Every Faction in the setting has a technological drive and a Manifest Destiny attitude. Literally everyone is at war with everyone else. And everyone believes that they hold sacred right over whatever they can see.
Not too sure how that fits Orks. Their tech is more instinct than science and they dont seem in any hurry to advance it. Plus fighting is more their nature than any 'manifest destiny' mentality. And then there are the tyranids, of course.

But what they are now, changes, based on their past.
Why do Tau exist in the setting? Is 'another weapon of the Old Ones' a good idea?
Maybe? kind of going the StarCraft way, with the krork being the 'purity of form' and the eldar being the 'purity of essence', and the t'au being the balance?

You know the logical end of Humanity, right? ...It's not Eldar.
According to the Emperor it was; nowadays who knows. The logical end for the galaxy is as Tyranid bio-mass imho, if they ever progress the storyline to where they finish their new Pharos / Astronomican (yes, its never stated what it is, but thats what I think it is ).

I think they're Age of Strife, heading to a T'au Unification Wars.
...Except what will actually happen is that both Farsight and Shadowsun know that the Ethereals are bad, and neither of them will do anything.
Do they have lost things to reclaim or a post-apocalyptic past shackling them? Then its not really a Unification parallel (also, no Tau messiah). Age of Strife is also thinly related, as the only isolated Tau are so voluntarilly, not because of a galaxy wide cataclysm