Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
You hear the soft murmur of sheets, and then a very artificial stillness as the King plays dead.

As you're in his house right now you can see many aspects of King Kent's life laid out around you. There is of course the laundry; strewn everywhere and not really in the habit of being washed. The clothes cycle right now seems to be Body > Floor > Body. There is the shelf full of a random collection of cassettes, vinyl records and CDs. Surprisingly it is organized, but infuriatingly it's organized by colour. There is the wardrobe filled entirely with sports and surfing trophies to the point where not one drawer can close properly. There is the kitchen with a single knife embedded almost to the handle in the door. It's been there for long enough for an enterprising spider to build a web around it.

The one part of it that demonstrates any sort of taste are the posters. Compelling minimalist designs of beaches, airplanes, and tropical environments. A lot of them have the words FLY QUANTAS prominently on them. King Kent makes his money doing advertising and his designs are actually pretty good.

While Lily was just about to settle in for a good solid hour of gentle but persistent one-sided negotiations through a shut door she noticed Jack heading off to find some way in that wasn't the door.

Lily frowned to herself and took a moment to think. She didn't really know the King. She didn't even know why he was locking himself in refusing to see or talk to anyone. Nor did she know how he'd react to Jack breaking in to his sealed up hideaway. While she felt she knew Jack a bit better, and liked him, she really wasn't sure how tactful he was going to be here, and this worried her.

She bit her lip nervously. Jack heading off had escalated this faster than she had been prepared for. Why was everything insisting on happening so quickly since she got back? Why couldn't everyone just... slow down? She felt a pang of sympathy for the King, if she had somewhere to call home like this she'd be sorely tempted to seal herself in it too and not come out for a few days and now they were about to deny him that.

No, she really shouldn't leave this to Jack to deal with alone. She needed to get in there too. Quickly.

"It's okay. I understand," she said softly at the closed door. "You don't have to come out. I'll come to you, Your Grace," she offered as if this was doing him a favour. She wrapped her arms about herself in a little hug and drew deep breaths of air in to her lungs. The air seemed to dilute her small frame until her shape was more wisps in the air suggesting her form than an actual girl stood outside a shut room. Then she stepped forwards, passing through the wall, and the rooms around her seemed veiled in Twilight.

[Using Whispers of Morning to get in to the King's room.]